Shirazi cats
Shirazi cats
Cats belong to the feline family of mammals, which are multiple types, and from pets that live in the environment surrounding humans, and many people prefer to raise them at home as spoiled animals, and the types of cats that people usually raise at home are Siamese cats.
Shirazi cats, and Ethiopian cats, American cats are short-haired, and one of the most common types of cats for raising at home is Shirazi cats, which are among the most popular types of domestic cats because of their cleanliness, beauty, and ease of handling.
The origin of the Shirazi cats.
Shirazi cats are known as beautiful cats, and they are characterized by their soft, long and thick hair, and their origins date back to Iran, or what is known as Persia; therefore they are sometimes called Persian cats, and they were introduced to Italy at the end of the eighteenth century by an Italian explorer, and after a century of Time, that is, around the end of the nineteenth century, this species was known in the continent of Europe and spread.
Types of Shirazi cats
Shirazi cats have several types, including: moon face, and the Himalayas resulting from the mating of Siamese with Shirazi for several generations, the beaky face in which the nose is at the level of the eyes, and the hay beaky resulting from the mating of the type of face with the type of face.
Characteristics of the Shirazi cats.
Characteristics of the Shirazi cats.
The Shirazi cats are friendly and popular cats in families, and they are of a calm nature. They are among the quietest types of cats, and they are of moderate temperament. An hour a day, in addition to being fun, playful, amusing and clean cats.
The length of the shirazi cats is about 60 cm, and the weight is about 4.5 kg, and the average age is about twenty years. Each color forms a different strain from the other, and the eyes of the Shirazi cats are large, beautiful, shiny, and round, and their face is round,
and the color of their eyes is sometimes the same color as their fur, and their ears are short, and their feet are short covered with fur, and the bone is thick, and its nose is not prominent on the face, and its tail Short and thick hair.
Ways to take care of a Shirazi cat
The length of the shirazi cats is about 60 cm, and the weight is about 4.5 kg, and the average age is about twenty years. Each color forms a different strain from the other, and the eyes of the Shirazi cats are large, beautiful, shiny, and round, and their face is round,
Ways to take care of a Shirazi cat
when acquiring a Shirazi cat at home must pay attention to his mental health and not neglect, feed and pamper him, and treat him as a member of the house,
and must maintain cleanliness, and accustom him to shower at least once a month, and clean his body, ears, and hair to protect him from Parasites and small insects, combing his hair constantly to remove knots and tangles, and dead hair from it, in addition to periodically vaccinating him, and checking it regularly to make sure his health is healthy.
and must maintain cleanliness, and accustom him to shower at least once a month, and clean his body, ears, and hair to protect him from Parasites and small insects, combing his hair constantly to remove knots and tangles, and dead hair from it, in addition to periodically vaccinating him, and checking it regularly to make sure his health is healthy.